about Delia
Delia is our head pet stylist and helps keep the salon running smoothly! She’s been a pet groomer since 2009 when she graduated grooming school in northern Colorado. Since she was a little girl dogs and cats have always been her passion! She apprenticed as a dog trainer with a wonderful woman in Vernal before she could even drive herself to classes and she was always teaching the family pets new tricks. Delia spent her high school internships right here at Uinta Vet learning lots of great things from Dr Duncan and Dr King. A few years away and she was back working at the clinic again in 2013 and she’s been here ever since. Her background in training, behavior, vet medicine, and breed standards (ask her what a Norwegian Lundehund is!) makes her a wonderful asset to our grooming salon.
At home she has a wonderful husband who usually lets her indulge her crazy animal ideas, an adorable 3 year old son, 2 dogs (Zulu a chihuahua mix and Beatrice a standard poodle), 4 cats (Dante, Conway Kitty, Waffle, and Johnny Cats), and an assortment of chickens. She dreams of owning mini cows, emu, and alpacas. She loves true crime podcasts, gardening, cooking, baking, and just enjoying nature with her family.